When banks or creditors fail to get back the unpaid debts, after trying their best, they declare debts as charged-off. They pass these debts to collection agency like Asset Acceptance Crop to collect them on creditor’s behalf. Whenever you find Asset Acceptance Corp is following you for recovering debts, this tells you the fact that your creditor has sold the debts to collection agency and from now on collection agency would be responsible for recovery of old unpaid debts.
Asset Acceptance Corp
Asset Acceptance Capital Corp has been doing business since 1962 with more than 1700 associates. They usually purchase charged-off consumer debts for collection. They have been helping creditors for years to recover the debts they were powerless to get back.
When banks or creditors fail to get back the unpaid debts, after trying their best, they declare debts as charged-off. They pass these debts to collection agency like Asset Acceptance LLC to collect them on creditor’s behalf. Whenever you find Asset Acceptance Corp is following you for recovering debts, this tells you the fact that your creditor has sold the debts to the collection agency and from now on the collection agency would be responsible for recovery of old unpaid debts.
First of all you need to determine the ownership of debts. If you think that you are not the owner of the debts, you should immediately dispute them. If a collection agency is unable to verify the debts then you should inform credit bureaus to remove all negative marks associated with that wrong item.
Checking the SOL expiration dates is also useful because if the SOL period for the debt is expired according to your state then you should urge the collection agency not to contact or disturb you.
If the collection agency contacts you after the period of seven years than you do have the right by law to sue them for creating annoyance & troubles for you. Credit bureaus are supposed to remove debts which are older than seven years to comply with Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). If you find that the credit bureaus have not removed the negative marks associated with asset acceptance collections from your credit report – especially after seven years have passed – then you need to inform them to remove the negative marks as seven years period is over.
Cavalry Portfolio Collection Agency
Cavalry Portfolio Services, LLC is a collection agency that usually buys almost all types of debts. For example; medical billings, loans, utilities, telecommunications, credit cards, etc. Cavalry Portfolio has been operating to collect debts since 1991 with more than 600 employees.
Whenever you come across with Cavalry Portfolio Collection Agency you need to understand the basic rights given to you by Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) against any illegal practices of collection agencies. Collection agencies like Cavalry Portfolio Services LLC use crude & harassing techniques to collect debts. Several cases have been filed against Cavalry Portfolio Services. Many of the folks who have dealt with Cavalry Portfolio are annoyed and unhappy with their way of doing work. If you find Cavalry Portfolio violating the rules set by Fair Debt Collection Practices Act then you do have the right to take them in court for harassment. The usual time for them to call you is 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. They cannot call you beyond these timings unless you tell them to do so.
Dealing with Cavalry Portfolio Service LLC can be like having a nightmare. The regular contacts pushes you in the state of stress. You will not be able to sleep at night because of the panic created by Cavalry Portfolio Collection agency. The focus & performance at work would suffer poorly and your social life could collapse completely.
If you find any negative items on your credit report by Cavalry Portfolio, that do not belong to you, in that case, you may dispute items by writing a credit bureau dispute letter . Credit Bureaus will investigate into matter by contacting the collection agency or creditor to verify the negative items. If they are unable to verify the negative marks, then, they must remove them from credit report. You can also get help from credit repair firms to help you out in dealing with Cavalry Portfolio collection agency with their experience and practices.
Collect America
Collect America is one of the leading debt collection agencies. Collect America recently renamed itself as Square Two Financial. Collect America came into existence in 1994. The appearance of Collect America on your credit report repeatedly drags your credit score down. Your credit worthiness becomes questionable in the eyes of creditors.
Collection agencies are normally known for their deceive tactics and harassing behavior, the same case is with Collect America . They are infamous for practicing immoral ways in effort to recover debts. They put pressure on consumers by regular phone calls and threats. With the help of these cruel tactics they may even push you to acknowledge the debts that do not belong to you. Never ever acknowledge the debts without ensuring the validity of debt ownership.
If Collect America is following you to collect the debts with expired Statute of Limitations (SOL) look to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act which serves to regulate collection agencies. For instance, it can stop agencies from contacting consumers after expiration of SOL period. You should force collection agency not to harass you for collections as SOL period has expired. May times, Collection America plays a trick to push you for at least some little payments in an effort to reactivate your account. Do not be fooled by their false tactics. Knowing that the SOL has expired is a great weapon in your hand to fight against old bad debts.
Credit repair law firms are ideal option in cases where you have negative marks placed by Collect America. They help consumers remove the negative marks and rebuild credit scores. They fight against collection agency with their experience and professional expertise. You can search for reliable credit repair firms in your local area or look for them over the net. You may consider www.lexingtonlawreviews.com if you are searching for a reputable credit repair firm.
LVNV Funding
Whenever the name of LVNV Funding appears on credit report, it tells you that LVNV Funding has purchased the ownership of debts from your original creditor. Now they are contacting you in order to recover those old debts. They may use other collection agencies like Resurgent for collecting debts and they also have the authority to put negative marks on your credit report. Stated below are some useful tips to get rid of LVNV Funding.
The very first thing you need to check is the ownership of the debt. If you consider that debt does not to belong to you then you require disputing it straight away. Ask the collection agency to provide any evidence that you owe them the debt, as you do not believe in the ownership of that specific debt. In response, LVNV Funding would come back with the justifiable proofs that you owe them the debts but, in case, they fail to validate your debt then you are not obligated to pay them.
The next thing you need to verify is the SOL expiration dates. If you find that the SOL has expired in accordance to your State of Residence, then Fair Debt Collection Practices Act restricts collection agencies from collecting any debts which has passed the limits of SOL period.
The Fair Credit Reporting Acts regulates and instructs credit bureaus to remove negative marks from credit report that cross the period of seven years and one hundred eighty days. If you find credit bureaus did not remove the negative marks then remind them to do so. In case LVNV Funding LLC tries to contact you after this period then legally you are entitled to take LVNV Funding to court for contacting you.
RJM Acquisitions
RJM Acquisitions LLC is a collection agency that buys unpaid old debts from banks and creditors and re-activates the debt collection process again. When the name of RJM Acquisitions appears on your credit report it indicates that RJM has bought the unpaid debt and will come after you for collection.
Whenever they purchase the ownership of debts they inform credit bureaus about the new status and their name comes on your credit report as new debt collector for those particular debts.
Many people have filed complaints against RJM Acquisitions for practicing immoral ways and breaking the rules & regulations of Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. The FDCPA restricts debt collectors not to collect the debts with expired SOL but RJM Acquisitions is repeatedly found breaking this rule.
If RJM Acquisitions LLC contacts you in recovery of the debts that do not belong to you, at that time, you must dispute it immediately. Tell RJM Acquisitions to validate the debt as you doubt about the ownership of the debts. What happens next is the Collection agency would contact your creditor. If RJM fails to validate the debts then you must inform credit bureaus about whole situation and push them to remove all negative marks associated with that particular debt.
No doubt, that regular phone calls and contacts of RJM Acquisitions lock you up in the state of depression. The fright created by RJM Acquisitions would bring your financial life to a screeching halt. Your domestic & social life would face plenty of issues.
You should know that RJM usually purchases debts for 10 cents a dollar or even lesser. If you really intend to pay them back then you should negotiate for paying them lesser amounts. If you face hurdles in facing RJM Acquisitions then you may also go for hiring credit repair firms to help you in getting rid of the debt altogether.